Julia E. Hoch, Ph.D.

Short Bio

Julia E. Hoch, is an Associate professor (with tenure) at California State University Northridge (CSUN) in the greater Los Angeles area. She has also been on the faculties of Michigan State University, East Lansing and the Technical Institutes of University of Munich and Dresden. Dr. Hoch’s background is Psychology, Organizational Behavior (OB) and Human Resources (HR).

Dr. Hoch has taught courses in HR, OB, Management and Labor Relations. Her research interests are in shared leadership, virtual teams, and diversity issues. She has published her work in the Journal of Management (2018), Human Resources Management Review (2018), Journal of Applied Psychology (2014), Journal of Managerial Psychology (2014), Human Resources Management Review (2013), Journal of Business and Psychology (2013), Journal of Personnel Psychology (2010), and others. She presented her research at various conferences in Europe and in the United States. She has consulted on virtual teams, teams and diversity issues with companies, such as Avaya, Audi, Bosch, BehrGroup, BMW, Medtronic, Porsche Consulting, Volkswagen, and others.

Contact: julia.hoch@csun.edu

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